Illustration Lissy made with iPad Pro. I wanted to produce a short series of images of an imaginary person with a lot of detail in the clothes, to make the illustration more interesting.

Simple sketch of apple blossoms. A study in which lines are required to generate a realistic flower with as few lines as possible.

Cactus. A plant that appeared everywhere in 2016 and which today are reprisenterad in many homes. The pattern is quickly assembled, and fill color flowing outside the lines

Fishing at my mom's summer cottage.

Civic center. A school project where we were asked to develop a new concept for the building's entrance hall. The project resulted in several watercolor sketches where we became experienced to sketch the buildings from different angles.

A quick sketch that has the potential to develop into a pattern.

En mix av skisser och illustrationer som visar min breda kunskap i uttryck och tekniker. Om du skulle vara intresserad utav ett samarbete eller projekt, tveka inte med att höra av dig till mig.
A mix of sketches and illustrations showing my broad knowledge of expressions and techniques. If you would be interested about a collaboration or project, do not hesitate to get in touch with me.
Thank you!